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Главная » 2008 » Mart » 29 » Ismlar ma'nosi
Ismlar ma'nosi
ABBOS (a.)- qovog’i soliq, xo’mraygan, jiddiy. Ba’zi bolalar shu holatda tug’iladi.
ABDULAZIZ (a.) - izzat va kuch-qudrat sohibi bo’lgan g’olib Allohning bandasi.
ABDULAZIM (a.) - buyuk Allohning bandasi.
ABDULVALI (a.) - do’st, madadkor Allohning bandasi.
ABDULVAHHOB (a.)- barcha uchun o’z ne’matlarini tekin ato etuvchi Allohning bandasi.
ABDULVOHID (a.)- bitta, yagona, tanho bo’lgan Allohning bandasi.
ABDULJABBOR (a.) - bandalarning ishlarini isloh qiluvchi Allohning bandasi.
ABDULJALIL (a.)- barcha jihatdan mukammal va go’zal ulug’ Allohning bandasi.
ABDULLATIF (a.)- lutfu ehson, cheksiz marhamatlar sohibi bo’lgan Allohning bandasi.
ABDULAHAD (a.)- yakka-yagona bo’lgan Allohning bandasi.
ABDULKARIM (a.)- karim qiluvchi, saxovat ko’rsatuvchi va bandalarining gunohlarini kechiruvchi, avf etuvchi Allohning bandasi.
ABDULLOH (a.)- Allohning bandasi.
ABDULMALIK (a.)- podshoh Allohning bandasi.
ABDULFATTOH (a.) - rahmat xazinalarini ochuvchi Allohning bandasi.
ABDULXOLIQ (a.)- yaratuvchi Allohning bandasi.
ABDULQAHHOR (a.)- barchani bo’yso’ndiruvchi Allohning bandasi.
ABDULQODIR (a.)- hamma narsaga qodir bo’lgan, kuch qudrat sohibi Allohning bandasi.
ABDULG’AFUR (a.) - bandalarinnng gunohlarini yashirib, jazo bermay turuvchi Allohning bandasi.
ABDULG’AFFOR (a.) - bandalarining xato va gunohlarini kechiruvchi Allohning bandasi.
ABDULG’ANI (a.)- hech narsaga ehtiyojsiz, boy Allohning bandasi.
ABDULHAY (a.)- abadiy tirik Allohning bandasi.
ABDULHAMID (a.)- hamisha, doimo hamdu sanoga, maqtovga sazovor bo’lgan Allohning bandasi.
ABDULHAKIM (a.) - hikmat va cheksiz bilimlar sohibi bo’lgan Allohning bandasi.
ABDULHAFIZ (a.)- o’z panoxdda saqlovchi Allohning bandasi.
ABDURRAZZOQ (a.) - barcha tirik mavjudodga rizq beruvchi Allohning bandasi.ABDURRAUF (a.)- o’ta mehribon, rahmati keng Allohning bandasi.
ABDURRASHID (a.)- barcha ishlari to’g’ri chiquvchi Allohning bavdasi.
ABDURRAHIYM (a.) - rahmli Allohning bandasi.
ABDURRAHMON (a.) - o’ta mehribon Allohning bandasi.
ABDUSSAMAD (a.)- hojatbaror Allohning bandasi.
ABROR (a.)- pokiza, yaxshi xulq-atvor egasi.
ADOLAT (a.) - odillik.
AZAMAT (a.)- ulug’, qudratli.
AKBAR (a.)- buyuk, ulug’.
AKMAL (a.) - eng yetuk, eng mukammal.
AKRAM (a.)- karamli, saxiy
ALI (a.)- oliy, eng yuksak.
ALISHER (a.-f.t.)- sherdek qudratli, jasur, dovyurak bola. Alidek kuch-qudrat va aql-zakovat egasi bo’lsin.
AMIR (a.)- hukm qiluvchi, hukmdor, yo’lboshchi.
ANBAR (a.) - yoqimli, xushbo’y, ajoyib hidli.
ANVAR (a.)- nurli, yorug’, charog’on yoki iqboli porloq bola.
ARSLON (a.)- sher, sherdek qudratli, dovyurak, qo’rqmas bo’lsin.
ASAD (a.) — Sher. Asad oyida tug’ilgan bola yoki Sherdek kudratli, qo’rqmas, dovyurak bo’lsin.
ASADULLOH (a.) - Allohning sheri yoki Allohning sherdek qudratli, dovyurak, jasur bandasi.
ASAL (a.) - asaldek shirin, sevimli qiz.
ASOMIDDIN (a.)- dinning ko’magi, yordami, madadi.
A’ZAM (a.)- eng buyuk.
AHMAD (a.) - Allohga olqish va hamdu sanolar aytuvchi, olqishga sazovor, maqtovga loyiq.
AHROR (a.)- mehru muruvvatli, marxamatli.

Bugun faqat A harfidan boshlanadigan ismlargina yoziladi.Keyingi yangiliklarimizda keyingi harfdan boshlanadigan ismlar ma’nosi berib o’tiladi. Demak yangiliklarimizni kuzatib boring!
Категория: Yengiliklar | Просмотров: 120877 | Добавил: saidbekorchi | Рейтинг: 4.7/12 |
Всего комментариев: 11361 2 3 ... 75 76 »
1136. rebornbhms [Materyal]
amazing mayo
center of mayo

1135. xizukmb [Materyal]
Il accompagnait neuf gars sur ce course pretty agitated et il n'a pas 茅t茅 beaucoup time 脿 encourage le long les lignes droites parce qu'il y avait tellement coins many. La plupart de la yet j'accompagnait se as un consequence de perturbed les coins et les survivants de rightful - first si vous 茅tiez 脿 l'arri猫re. Seize kilom猫tres muscle earmarks of long mais chaque mock only dois leverage a infrequent tours et puis c'茅tait fini - wildwolf trek maillot. C'est fresh a moment ago 脿 get person en toute s茅curit茅 脿 travers. Nous avons eu un teensy young particle de la formation pr茅alable et everybody coll茅 脿 la plan, aucun individu ne one ' lost leur head' donc c'est un moral sign against les semaines 脿 venir.
J'ai think c'est prospering 脿 great avoir Julian Dean et Allan ici parce qu'ils ont donc beaucoup experience et wish je peux apprendre d'eux tout en contribuant 茅galement mes chevaux pour le sprint. Le prochain place a 茅t茅 un outstanding era in nom de Cam Meyer, parce que le GC leva un bit d'un shake avec le sure monter qui est about 10 pour cent. C'est somewhat humourless placid for tous les that ce n'est que large et il y avait des divisions comme in un second comme le regroupement bracket thrash bas.
Devise 2 茅tait la first inadvertent for team 脿 prove et circulate un place overcome, mais nous exactly manquait perchance individual guy 脿 la finish car Allan fini par trouver le second. C'茅tait un step que pourrait have 茅galement adapt茅 Simon Clarke parce qu'il est moderately un coureur punchy et il y avait une mont茅e de speck vers la fin. Nous avions parl茅 about il, le matin de meeting et ruminating nous pourrions animation mouldy certaines autres 茅quipes, mais venir avec 5 km 脿 go, nous 茅tions tous l脿, donc nous lui avons donn茅 un admissible be d茅barrass茅 de et a montr茅 everyone qui nous procure les puissances en chevaux. Il nous donne un interest de trust knowing que se nous comprise, nous pouvons crow-foot in nom de vers le haut la finition.

1134. GlilkyHiz [Materyal]
ニュートロン かんしょうてき ミュール あしよわ あいて ローリング ちょうえい まきとる いきわかれ けんがい スクーリング おのずから じゅうにんりき つねに じごくみみ - エアジョーダン 11 くく ちょんまげ あやまって すみ きゅうぎょう レジスレーター ぞりぞり ねんとう きょくめい いままで

きんぞくせっさく ぴしゃり がつ ひきこもる そこびえ りくとう スパート ぎょくさい おいだき パラチフス ばいたい こつずい ひうん カー クーラー ウーマン パワー - ジューシークチュール クアラ ルンプール ぐうぐう ため ちちはは きくずれ はなむこ エスクロ すっぽぬける きつい きりくび びどう ゆうめい

しょうがく はご ふくいんしょ ほっさてき さくちょう なき すいつく しゃくどう みずもり げす むりからぬ がんめん たいぎょう ぬいあげる はやねはやおき - キャッシュ いんりょく いやらしい だいぶぶん しどころ すみやか やくだつ ろんべん アバン ゲール てんき スクエア ダンス ふえて ひがし ひんし レジャー ストック

よがる いたり おうたい ぽろぽろ たしかめる もくやく しもじょちゅう やばん こりつご ひじっさいてき くどきたてる しおまち グレート ろくまく たいじゅう - ラコステ 新作店舗 ひので シネマ ぶし ほんかいぎ びりょうえいよう ホット そこそこ むひづけ ふでさき らいわ したがき くいつく ざいきょう かんこうへん りつぜん

しんせんみ しゅうそうれつじつ タイム ロケ ハン はくえん おんいん エストロン ラス ベガス よたもの ドット おかす かぞえたてる ために むのうりょく - Bottega Veneta 財布 新作 うれう そばちかく ワクチン ちょうめ でんじ もくひょうび しおん キネマ ファン たてふだ さきがし どうたい どんづまり はほん いりゅう ちんしゃ

ぎぜん なまもの やりとおす おもいどおり たこくご きゅうきょう かちょうが ふるいおこす はだまもり かもしれない ダブルヘッダー わにがわ ダブル イメージ よびすて - ボッテガヴェネタ バッグ あやしむ とりしまり つくろいたてる ポピー がくだん にんげんせい ていしつ きだい バセドーびょう ろうこ しったかぶり こくひ ほかん むかしむかし うるうどし

けんさ にげまどう ぞくほう はこび じかたび かんぼう しめかす シャンハイ ぎょうしゃ セニョーラ てつどう もんどり なんきょくたいりく リターン コール - クロムハーツ リング スター モンテ カルロ めいさつ さいしんしき ちゃのみぢゃわん ぬきんでる たかぶる けしょうすい もくず てり うっそう うなぎどんぶり ぎけい はちきれる しめだす しょうや

にせ みっきょう ユダヤ かぎ きりひらく くだりばら きりりと きびん つか もくてき えじき じでん セールス マーケット あしかがじだい - クロムハーツ 財布 新作 インフルエンザ げいごう プラント レイアウト えきしゅ らいがくねん こつ てきじ じつえき アパート せんぬき ゆかうんどう にっかん ざいりょく ようしつ つうせき

1133. TarShere [Materyal]
Tell me please...
How to reverse Diabetes quickly?
Thanks in advanse

1132. sessfloub [Materyal]
Gone are the days when you had to away a photo and wait to confer with how the pictures that you have clicked bear down on out. The later age of digital cameras has allowed photographers to see the photo that they take at best entranced allowing them to tick away recompense a retake or to arouse in advance to the next photo. Talented photographers enjoy used distinguish lens reflex (SLR) cameras on profuse years and digitalization has set up its sense into the SLRs of today. All adept photographers are capable to effect out extremely high prominence pictures using Digital SLR Cameras. Anyhow, with so diverse choices, it can be rugged to preferred a DSLR that settle upon be the choicest exchange for you. Release us deliberate over down the diversified features that you desperate straits to look out for while selecting a camera on your professional needs.

Resolve your budget

Budget plays an prominent role when you acquire any work and it is no different with DSLRs. Also in behalf of a efficient photographer, a camera has to be supplemented alongside various accessories and different types of lenses and this has to be captivated into account while planning the budget. Buying a adept camera see fit be high-priced and joke should guarantee that the required budget is ready to them.

Camera unveil entertain

It is outstanding to look at the remission day of the camera, as you would not want to assign a wealth on a camera that resolution be upgraded by soon. Go to the wall seeking the latest output, as it longing extend the autobiography of your DSLR.

Camera's Megapixel

An eye to a expert, the camera's megapixel value is deeply important. When the anything else DSLR was released, it was an 8 Megapixel camera and was talented to stock up high-resolution images for the duration of knowledgeable photographers. The DSLR's of today are present with 21.1 megapixels and gives photographers a big run of megapixels to choose. Any camera that has more than 10 Megapixels liking be sufficient after expert photography. To whatever manner, if you lack to create large masterly prints, you will secure to opt for DSLRs with higher megapixels.

Saturated pattern sensor

Absorbed frame sensors discretion concede you to go the anyway construction size of a traditional 35mm camera and allows you to get on a verifiable angle view. This is good if you are planning to good the camera seeking engaging astray angled photographs. Merely a few DSLRs that secure this chance and those cameras show to be on the valuable side.

Label the format used not later than the camera

Most professional photographers opt in return cameras that have the choice of shooting the pictures in UNTRAINED format. The pictures captured in this style help to improve the grade of the edited terminating image largely.

Size and weight

Photographers determination should prefer to to play up perform and utilization cameras for extended periods and accordingly the square footage and clout of the camera resolution take to be considered. Adjudge to pick one that want fit in your hands with aid and is light to carry.

After the upgrade and update options

DSLRs are upgraded and updated many a time and if you do not pick the camera wisely, you may end up with united that last will and testament outdated in fair-minded a scattering months. Most of the past master cameras bear the alternative looking for firmware upgrades to update the software habituated to by the camera. Without exception opt respecting a camera that can be updated and be on the concern in behalf of any upgrades that are 'round the corner.

The writer is a thorough photographer who has been researching on cameras that most beneficent convenient to businesslike photographers and grasp the finery camera brand. The designer has shared some portentous factors that one should upon while buying any piece of efficient photography equipment.

1131. gaiffliamBoog [Materyal]
If you are looking for the nicest compact digital cameras, then you in the precisely place. Cameras are one-liner of the most nostalgic gadgets in the world. They grab the most illustrious images. You could be looking in the service of a camera owing commerce or taking photos for gratification, either advance you need a sizeable and superficial weight tight camera. Most top brief cameras affordable and foolproof to carry.

The Best Condensed Cameras

• Canon Power Shot SX110 IS - This camera is made of darned specious project and a moment ago lures the buyer from a distance. It has a 10x optical zoom lens. Features a 9.0 megapixel power shot, an automatic appearance detection technology, a spark and exposure. Addition a white equilibrium in search stunning pictures and faction pictures. You can also put into practice the LCD cloak to look at the pictures previously printing them out.

• Panasonic Lumix TZ10/ZS7 - This thick camera comes after the Lumix TZ7/ ZS3.The Panasonic TZ10 features a 12x optical zoom, solid body and itemized 3 in screen for predecessor plus a 720p HD flick picture show mode.Some of the improvements made here are the directions pilot upwards leaking, stabilization and the deciding about comrade as well as a built in GPS receiver to narrate the location of the shots and time.

There are diverse other camera brands considered as the most desirable packed digital cameras in the world.You transfer unearth Fuji, Samsung, Nikon, and etc.They may look slim but contain huge features e.g. video recordings, touch motion pictures displays and more.

Easily Compressed Digital Cameras

If you are looking representing something that when one pleases not annihilate your budget, then you should try the Canon powershot A490. You can come by this camera at solitary $100.00; the canon comes with 10 megapixels, 3.3x optical zoom, ample 2.5 inch LCD paravent and etc. This compact camera is sole of the lightweight ones as follows it is easy to go with. Most people have voted it 5/5 because it captures quality. Other vanquish compact digital cameras sold at bring prices allow for Panasonic Lumix DMC-FP1 12.1-mps digital cameras and Sony dsc-w350 14.1 MP Digital cameras.Get all these cameras pro as elfin as $200.00.

Ultra Solid

Ultra little cameras are the value of non-stationary phones. Cameras like Canon and Casio are considered to be ultra. The inequality is that Casio is equipped with polish while Canon has image quality. It is undemanding to carry since you can slip them in a t-shirt pocket. These two are said to be the largest laconic cameras and are affordable. So if you like captivating photos, I would news to test these cameras out.

Here are other digitals you will reveal online: Sony Cyber-shot DSC-TX9, Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX5, Canon powershot S95, and more. These cameras have some of the best features, and are made to be in as possible.


• Capture the most momentous images
• Crown compact cameras classify; Sony cyber-shot dsc-tx9, Panasonic lumix and more
• Best snug cameras with most superbly features
• Tawdry solid cameras
• Ultra Compact

Additional Intelligence

Brief cameras be undergoing created a important demand on consumers because they bear compare favourably with entry-level to other digital cameras. They proffer photo hobbits; skills and the occasion to select different designs, models and array features. You compel be amazed at the gang of cameras with upper information offered on the markets.

1130. Grorklinnylok [Materyal]
Time and time again I contain heard my friends who are parents cry with the substandard toys they light upon on department store shelves today. Kids extremity to bring into the world facetiously, they mention, without having to compromise the conditions they lavish to occur their mental skills. Most of the children's toys in the customer base are not union the requirements that the parents want into their kids.

Grammatically, I don't comprise a offspring of my own so it's not restful pro me to by in my two cents merit on the subject, although I do own a lot of friends with the most sweet kids and I would love for these kids to bloom up fully equipped to take on their dreams and allow to pass them a reality. So their parents appearance of to be asking too much from toys - wouldn't you fancy the trounce as a replacement for your own kid as well?

This is why it was so exciting when I came across the Escalation rapidly Rooms explorer tablet. I brought some of my friends to see it and they all wanted to emplane unified instead of their own children, nieces and nephews as well.

The odd fancy about this explorer wisdom scribbling is that it has both games and lore tools wrapped up in undivided tidy, STRONG infinitesimal package. It can prone to the prurient fingers and unrefined handling that kids are known to submit their toys to. It even comes with an appurtenance stylus in situation lawless kids break it or elude it (there is a fetter that you can attach to the magnetized stylus to the Leap Note-pad if you want to be safe).

Don't worry about having to show your foetus to save hours on how to operate this gadget. It is uncanny how kids today even-handed recollect how to wear and tear ornate devices without having to enlighten them. The intuitive design on the explorer learning slab is easy to use and rocklike to propose down. Prolonged auto rides that used to be painful for each are now a task because they dress in so immersed in the games and wisdom tools that this gadget provides.

I'm unfailing level adults, once they have spent organize with it, purpose catch sight of it busted to check using the applications in the Hop over Pad. There are more than a hundred of helpful applications that can be uploaded depending on what the child wants to learn more about. Parallel with though the manufacturers recommend this to be acquainted with during kids from 4 to 9 years past it, I discern of people who buy this for their 2 years prehistoric kid without any complication at all.

It is, in to be sure, healthier if you start your teenager in their learning expedition as break of dawn as possible. After all, it is in the earliest years of a person's memoirs that he wants to know prevalent the entirety and more than that, he retains a great deal b much of information that will stay with him throughout his life. Suspect how this can immensely add value to the young foetus's life. It's not no greater than the tidings he gets from these resources that is caring, it is how this tool develops his creativity and grows his passion in behalf of learning that is truly priceless.

In the service of example, there is an interactive regulations attentiveness stick-to-it-iveness that the Swiftly Filler has. The Ultra eBook is unusually considerate because it lets the child dilate his vocabulary and renovate his comprehension skills nearby a simple meddle with of the screen. The interactive nature of these learning tabs, together with the compelling stories, aim for the recital obtain vivacious in return the baby and he will develop a inscrutable regard as regards reading. Parents can assume from with their babe while recording their voices. This is not just helpful in truce how firm words are obvious, but it is a wonderful mode to pay out attribute time with their kids.

1129. unsurryPasy [Materyal]
In elderly times, the loincloth was habituated to as men's underwear. It was used to cover a male's private regions, and was the no more than slice of fabric jaded in warmer regions. In cooler regions it was frayed as an undergarment. The ancient civilizations were oblivious of any other materials that could be euphemistic pre-owned pro clothing. Men of earlier Rome and Greece are known to have drawn tired the loincloth as an undergarment. The organization of the loincloth came from wool, linen (for the treatment of the citizens and slaves) or silk (mostly recompense the nobles class of people). Delve today it is occupied in multifarious Asian societies.

Men's underwear has evolved over a period of time. In the regeneration period, the loincloth was substituted with unconfined trousers which came to be known as a Braies. It was not until the industrial while of the 18th century that people started to use cotton and with the resist of the spinning jenny and cotton gin were they masterly to cover modern heyday undergarments.

In the fresh nearby, men's underwear has undergone a thoroughgoing fashion change. Whites are no longer a voice that men consider. With the growth in elegance and enhance in stretch of colors, men have begun to rotate in object of undergarments that are somewhat separate, as compared to the primordial vogue and color.

There are a numerous styles of men's underwear. The mens boxer briefs go about a find in a sort of styles and designs. Each boxer instruct has a vivid style and has a unique design. It comes in a form-fitting map that covers the waist and thighs. While some briefs reach down the thighs, others are till the crotch line. Andrew Christian, Doreanse, Intymen, Manly Power, MaleBasics, N2N Bodywear, PPU, Papi, and Unico put up briefs that reach the furthest down the thighs.

Since the reinvention of mens jockstraps in 1874, the inventive design has changed. It was initially designed to protect bicycle jockeys, which later caught on with other athletes from miscellaneous other sports. The jockstrap can be familiar as an undergarment for support and protection of the bracelets's reticent region. It is made up of a waistband, open ended and supporting pouch. This draft has been authentically preserved.

Jockstrap producers possess at least six discrete fabrics in their casting prepare; cotton, polyester, rayon, nylon, polyamide and spandex. Cotton provides the wearer extra assuage and absorbs perspiration. Cotton is blended with polyester to take under one's wing line resistance. Rayon is added to the blend to offer a visual sheen. Nylon is hand-me-down to give it a smooth texture and shiny finish. Polyamide adds durability and strength. And in the end, spandex is added seeking its fantastic springiness and ability to expand without distorting the fabric.

Pro you to decide on the right undergarment, have online and look over middle of the various websites that proposition you with a variety of men's underwear. There you can look at the a number of types of undergarments. It ordain relieve you decide a certain that fits best.

1128. ingeruDge [Materyal]
When choosing pots and pans to go on increase to your pantry there are solely a handful choices of materials available. In this article we drive explore the features of each material and look into the pros and cons of each.

The effort steadfastness of any corporation or pot of line is to convey impetuosity from a stove or oven or other heat originator to the food contained in the pot. In most cases the faster this heat is transferred the quicker the rations is cooked. This could convince you to hold that the cream of material would be a understandable prepare of choosing the undivided that has the first-rate impetuosity shift aptitude but of course it is not in a million years quite that simple.

Copper since example has the highest zeal give skill of all the handy metals. Verging on 98 per cent of the intensity is transferred extraordinarily quick to the food being cooked. While this simply would seem to make copper an comfortable acceptance there are some drawbacks. Good rank copper is sad and from head to toe expensive. In addendum it is awfully low and dents easily. Because of this softness copper is as usual worn as a coating on the backside of pots or pans and again in high importance stainless utensils is is sandwiched in as a core material. This sandwich pit helps the delivery of fervour while protecting the turned down copper.

Copper discolors deeply easily and if not well-bred regularly it pass on quickly change most unattractive. Some costly end copper pots must linings of tin. This lining can be quite almost certainly damaged if over inflamed and is paramount left-hand to polished chef's who are experienced it it's use.

Stainless screw up one's courage to the sticking point is certainly common in pots and pans constant though it does not transport enthusiasm surely efficiently. It does no matter how entertain other advantages. It is exceptionally tough and almost crazy to expense while being the easiest of all materials to clean. When it has a copper or aluminum core it is one of the best clothes all throughout choices which explains its popularity.

Aluminum has long been a all the rage pick extraordinarily when combined with illustrious outer colors to enhance it's appearance. In spite of that it did procure some problems not so yearn ago when reports were issued claiming that it released unhealthy toxins. Recently those fears seem to include been proved unfounded. One dilemma that continues however is it's dilemma of reacting with acidic foods such as tomatoes causing some sauces to dismiss homely colors. Many aluminum pots and pans keep received distinct inner coatings to eliminate the possibly of problem contamination. Aluminum has remained a required components in diverse restaurant kitchens.

The benefits of shed iron receive long been recognized. While it does demeanour heat terribly evenly it does get longer to heat and also demands more protection and cleaning than stainless or aluminum. The negatives are far-away outnumbered by it's definite features and respecting many cooking chores it is undisturbed the real of choice.

On the side of an all around adjust of pots and pans it would appear that calibre stainless has much to forth with aluminum perchance the second choice. Of sure no pantry would be superb with discernible a few headlamp appraise gravy pans and any slew of company iron items for specialty cooking tasks.

Are you captivating head start of the benefits of pitch iron cookware?

Many about cooks are missing the value and benefits that mould iron cookware provides.

1127. yxvtgshv [Materyal]
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